Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Poetry _ Finished - Love, in memoriam

I loved you for one day, the last day,

I can't say that I'm not regretless

Of this infatuation… but hey,

I loved you, and that's all that matters.

I loved you, but that was last Friday;

Today is a Sunday, it's brighter.

I went back to having it my way,

Un-blinded, thanks to the Almighty.

You showed me the inside of your mind

And you didn't mean to, I'm sure.

It seemed so divinely beforehand -

And it seemed so glacially pure.

But Saturday proved you a vain jerk.

Too bad, such a waste of a weekend.

You're out of me like a Champaign cork

Quickly unscrewed with a slick hand.

I loved you for one day, go figure…

Exalted you while my love lasted.

I loved you, as I pulled the trigger

And my bleeding love flew right past you.

I loved you for 24 hours.

It was one last day of euphoria.

My love seemed so totally ours…

It was only my love, in memoriam.

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